Monday, March 22, 2010

redo..redo..and redo..

miss L: eh, cik S yg A tuh x sama ngan B tau...dia punya sebab lain blik redo r..check balik...
cik S : ok..i try my best...

tu r satu singktan komunikasi yg b'laku dlam blik p'bncangan....arghhh...i should redo my work...i'm not the perfect person but i'm trying to-be...mmg msih byk kesilapan...msih byk kekurangan....arghhh..kdang2 rase cam x mau jumpa org lagi...nape yer,,....tuh org panggil self ssh r camne kte x rse touch klu someone sembur....kdg2 rse t'kilan skit....takpe2 something menanti di hujung jalan......bak kata cik wan...

"EASY is to judge the mistake of others , DIFFICULT is to recognised our own mistake , it is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet"

beberapa saat lpas tuh.....miss M kata "klu kita buat sorang2 byk skit pengalaman "...ak skali pikir rse nyampah lpas 2-3 kli pikir...mmg ad betul kate miss M she should understand my feeling...she should tell what she want from me.....i think she just rasa something and simpan dlam hati....pastu tiba masa...sembur....bak orang kte.."bengkak dalam"....tuh yg ak rse sbb dia x pnah gtau ape dia rsa kat ak...takpe2 kte tgk....

p/s : rse jahat r plak ayat akhir dendam jer...tkpe r miss M no pain no gain tp camne nk reduse pain tu yer????


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