Sunday, May 16, 2010

Maryam, guru kelas Tadika menganjurkan satu permainan yang sungguh menarik untuk murid-muridnya. Setiap murid diminta membawa beg plastik yang berisi pisang yang tertulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci ke kelas pada esok hari. Jadi, jumlah pisang yang perlu dibawa bergantung kepada jumlah orang yang dibenci.

Keesokan harinya, setiap murid membawa beg plastic berisi pisang masing-masing. Ada yang membawa tiga biji, ada juga lima biji dan paling banyak lapan biji. Semuanya sudah ditulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci.

"Sekarang simpan pisang tu. Jangan lupa bawa ke mana sahaja kamu pergi selama seminggu. Inilah permainannya. Selepas seminggu, kita akan tahu keputusannya" beritahu Cikgu Maryam. Kanak-kanak tersebut menyimpan pisang masing-masing di dalam beg.

Hari demi hari berlalu, pisang tersebut mula berbintik-bintik dan akhirnya menjadi busuk . Kanak-kanak itu mula merungut dan marah. Mereka tidak menyukai permainan itu lagi kerana selain beg berat, badan berbau busuk. Ada yang menangis, enggan meneruskan permainan.

Seminggu berlalu, pagi-pagi lagi murid-murid Maryam sudah bersorak. Permainan sudah tamat. Tidak ada lagi beban dan bau busuk yang perlu dibawa.

"Okey semua, apa rasanya bawa pisang dalam beg ke sana ke mari selama seminggu?" tanya Cikgu Mayam. Semuanya serentak mengatakan mereka benci permainan itu. Mereka hilang kawan, sering diejek dan terpinggir. Lebih teruk lagi, terpaksa tidur, makan, mandi, bermain dan menonton TV dengan bau busuk.

"Itulah sebenarnya yang berlaku kalau kita simpan perasaan benci pada orang lain dalam hati. Bau busuk kebencian itu akan mencemari hati dan kita akan membawanya ke mana saja kita pergi. Jika kamu sendiri tidak boleh tahan dengan bau pisang busuk hanya untuk seminggu, cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau kamu simpan kebencian sepanjang hidup kamu" beritahu Cikgu Maryam.

Maryam mengingatkan anak muridnya supaya membuang jauh-jauh perasaan benci daripada membebani hidup.
Memaafkan adalah yang terbaik. Menyayangi lebih baik daripada membenci. Moralnya, jangan letak pisang dalam beg. Jangan simpan kebencian, dendam kesumat dan apa-apa yang mazmumah dalam hati. Macam pisang yg makin membusuk, begitu juga hati.

Friday, May 7, 2010

tika diri lemah

Rasa susah?

"Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan." [94:6]


"Boleh jadi kamu tidak menyenangi sesuatu, padahal itu baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu tidak baik bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." [2:216]


Dzikir dengan hati, Allah SWT berfirman: "yaitu orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah hati menjadi tenteram." [13:28]


"Katakanlah, "Wahai hamba-hamba Ku yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri! Janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sungguh, Dialah Yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang. " [39:53]

"Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang taubat dan menyukai orang-orang yang mensucikan diri." [2:222]

"Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami, dan matikanlah kami beserta orang-orang yang berbakti." [3:193]

10 lies girls always tell guys

1. i trust you
2. I don’t like attention from other men.
3. It doesn’t bother me if you look at other women.
4. It doesn’t matter how much you make.
5. You’re the best I’ve ever had!
6. Size doesn’t matter, it’s how you use it!
7. Your friends are great! I don’t mind if they come over.
8. I don’t mind if you go to a strip club with your friends
9. Nothing is wrong, I’m OK
10. Its just gonna take 10 more mins to put my makeup on

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

sampling method

nie adalah cara camne nak buat sampling method.,,
first skali kalu nak buat sampling method kena ada sampling frame

sampling frame :collection of property or element that may include in our sample...

secara generalnya ada 2 type of sampling method
  • probability
  • non-probability
probability sample : a method where everybody in sampling frame has non-zero probability to become a sample (maksudnya sume orang ad probability utk jd sample )

under probability method ada 5 method
  • simple random sampling
  • systematic sampling
  • stratified sampling
  • cluster sampling
  • multi-stage sampling
apa beza semua method nie??

dalam sebuah sekolah ada 1000 orang anak murid , anda perlu sample sebanyak 200 pelajar........kita akan guna semua method diatas...

1. simple random sampling...
mula2 mesti ada sampling frame...then select 200 student based on random table or by using software
2.systematic sampling
sample was picked up based on the interval...ada 1000 org pelajar...,nak 200,, jd 1000/200=5..,jd sample akan dipilih setiap 5 interval....nombor berapa nk start use draw...
3.stratified sampling
sample dibahagikan mengikut sex,age or anything..and the sample aws taken equally...contohnya sebab kita mau 200 orang, jd kta bahagikan amek 100 pompuan , 100 lelaki...pastu camne nak pilih pompuan / lelaki tuh bleh guna either simple random atau systematic...
4.cluster sampling
cluster sampling nie maksudya kita amek sesuatu sample tu base on cluster...cth nye kalau lam case palajar nie...kte ad 5 buah sekolah...kte choose palajar dari sekolah A and B shj....ia jimat kos...
5.multi stage sampling
at least guna 2 method....contohnya mula2 buat simple sampling ,,pastu buat systematic sampling plop......

aduhai statistic

dah lama x blajar statistik..lama2 kong otak ak...huhuhuh.....

aper nih...mean,,median,,,deviate,,x ikut normal curve line ,,,?

arghhh...dah nak kong nie......

please help me......


mat cook mat cool kawanku...mari kita ikut mat cool..main2 selalu..syoknya2 ad mat cool...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

proud of your love

Passing by at a quick pace
I wonder how much of a season had already gone?

Walking through the scenery I’ve become familiar with
Without being able to slip away
From these distant memories alone
It's like I completely lost my destination
That was the time when I met you

We met by chance along this road
Even now I can’t forget, ever since that day
Much of the sorrow and anxiety I held
Everything had been changed
Through the warmth of your memories
Proud of your love

Finding two shells
Is just like a miracle..
Meeting you once more

If you're here beside me
Even the depths of my heart
Would be comfortable with this gentle feeling
Even if violent rain falls down
And strong winds blow about

I'll go out to protect this love
If we're together we can surely overcome all
Could I have thought like that at first?
So I don’t let go of this hand
I'll always gaze carefully at time

We met by chance along this road
Even now I can’t forget, ever since that day
Things that live on, things that I believe in
While changing towards happiness,
We’d both walk along together
Proud of your love

Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..
Proud of your love..

Thursday, April 29, 2010


tahniah buat kengkawan yg dh abis pro 1.....klu ak jd korang mungkin ak dh moral of the story dont giveup......

ak plop msih dlam perjuangan....msih jauh perjuangan ak...dan ak pun x kan giveup.......hahaha bak kata siti sarah....ku teruskan.....
ak x pernah kte ak nie ak nak sentiasa jd yang terbaik...walaupun rmai yang cakap kte x semestinya perlu jd yang terbaik tuk berjaya tp at least ak nk buat yang terbaik tuk diri ak...tuk family ak...tuk keturunan ak.....

perjuangan tuh sukar...klu senang mesti ramai yang nak joint tp nie hakikatnya.......kejayaan tu sentiasa ada..dia x pernah lari....dia x pernah curang.....dia sentiasa tunggu kita kat sana......yang pastinya kita yang perlu stay percaya dia (kejayaan ) ada kat situ.....yeah gambate.....


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

maksud namaku..

dah lama tercari-cari maksud nama miss S,,,siti nur ashikin....

siti tuh adalah gelaran yang diberi kepada perempuan2 arab....kat negara arab ,,biasanya perempuan yang sudah berkahwin dipanggil "siti"...kiranya mcm puan r tuh...

nur maksudnya cahaya...ramai dh tau kan...

ashikin tuh ssh btul nak cari mksudnya coz dah berlambak..dah berbakul2 buku koleksi nama yang ak cari x der pun mksud ashikin.....
tp ad seseorang dlm satelit kte ashikin tuh dtang dri perkataan "isq" yang bermaksud asyik...ashikin tu mksudnya mengasykkan r......WOW!!!

jadi overall maksud namaku

siti + nur + ashikin = cahaya yang mengasyikkan....??

perkembangan sektor perindustrian di malaysia

bagi mewujudkan masyarakat yang berjaya , kerajaan malaysia menyedari pentingnya sektor industri di m'sia....jadi PM waktu tu tlh buat beberapa atrategi untuk membangunkan industri di m'sia....
terdapat 3 tahap perkembangan industri di malaysia
-tahap pertama(1957-1967)strategy penggantian import
-tahap kedua (1968-1980)strategy penggalakan eksport
-tahap ketiga(selepas 80-an)...dasar ketiga ada 3 ketogori ......
==pelan induk perindustrian pertama
==pelan induk perindustrian kedua
==dasar industri berat negara

Thursday, April 22, 2010

10 fakta about thomas edison

1. Teacher Thought Edison was "Addled"

Edison was an inquisitive child but a poor student as his mind often wandered. The youngest of 7 siblings, "Al" as he was called in his youth, was deemed "addled" by his school teacher.

When she found out, Edison’s mother was angry and pulled him out of school after only three months of formal education. She home schooled him instead. Edison later recounted "My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me, and I felt I had some one to live for, some one I must not disappoint."

2. Edison Built His First Lab at the Age of 10

When Edison turned 9, his mother gave him an elementary science book on how to do chemistry experiments at home. Edison was hooked: he did every experiments in the book and soon spent all his spare money buying chemicals.

At the tender age of 10, Edison built his first science laboratory in the basement of his family’s home. His father tried to bribe him with a penny if only Edison would get out of the basement and go read a book. This he did, but he also used the penny to buy more chemicals for experiments. And to make sure no one took his prized chemicals, he labeled all his bottles "poison."

3. Edison Was Deaf and He Liked It That Way!

At around the age of 12, Edison started to lose his hearing. One legend has it that a train conductor smacked him in the ears after he started a fire in a boxcar by doing experiments. Edison himself said that he was injured when the conductor picked him up by the ears onto a moving train. Others had said that it caused by a bout of scarlet fever during childhood. In all likelihood it was a genetic condition as both Edison’s father and one of his brothers also suffered from hearing loss.

But one thing’s for sure: Edison actually liked being deaf (technically, he was hard of hearing, not completely deaf). He said that it made it easier for him to concentrate on his experiments.

Oh, one more thing: Edison actually did have a laboratory in a boxcar that caught on fire! Then 12-year-old Edison took a job selling newspaper and candies on the Grand Trunk Railroad from Port Huron to Detroit. He set up a lab for chemistry experiments and a printing press in the baggage car, where he published the Grand Trunk Herald, the first newspaper published on a train.

4. Edison Saved a Boy From a Runaway Train

At the Grand Trunk Railroad, 14-year-old Edison saved 3-year-old Jimmie MacKenzie from a runaway boxcar. Jimmie’s father, station agent J.U. MacKenzie was so grateful that he taught Edison how to operate the telegraph machine.

Later, Edison became a telegraph operator for Western Union. He requested the night shift so he could have more time for his experiments. One day he accidentally spilled sulphuric acid while experimenting on a battery. The acid ran between the floorboards and onto his boss’ desk below. Needless to say, Edison was fired the next morning.

5. Edison’s First Patented Invention was a Flop

In 1869, when Edison was just 22 years old, he got his first patent for a telegraphic vote-recording machine for the legislature. Each legislator would move a switch on Edison’s machine that would record his vote on a particular bill.

When a business partner brought the invention to Washington D.C., this is what Congress had to say about it:

The chairman of the committee, unimpressed with the speed with which the instrument could record votes, told him that "if there is any invention on earth that we don’t want down here, that is it." The slow pace of roll call voting in Congress and other legislatures enabled members to filibuster legislation or convince others to change their votes. Edison’s vote recorder was never used. (Source: The Edison Papers)

From then on, Edison decided that he would only invent something if there was a market for it.

6. Edison Proposed Marriage … by Morse Code!

On Christmas Day in 1871, at the age of 24, Edison married his 16-year old employee Mary Stilwell, after meeting her just two months earlier. By February, Edison was exasperated at his wife’s inability to invent that he wrote in his diary "Mrs Mary Edison My wife Dearly Beloved Cannot invent worth a Damn!!" and "My Wife Popsy Wopsy Can’t Invent." Mary gave birth to three children, the first two Edison nicknamed "Dot" and "Dash."

Two years after Mary died, Edison met and married 20-year-old Mina Miller. The story of how the two met is quite interesting: After Mary’s death, Edison regularly went to Boston and stayed with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Gilliard. The Gilliards made sure that some eligible young lady was "visiting" at the same time. Edison, who was half-deaf, bug-eyed, plagued with halitosis and bad dandruff, would stick his face very close to the girl’s in order to hear her words. This naturally creeped them all out!

One day, the Gilliards introduced Edison to Mina Miller, to whom Edison was immediately smitten:

Edison found his own version of paradise in Fort Myers, then a small village, and apparently decided that he must do three things: build a winter home in Florida, marry Mina, and bring her to his tropical Eden. Once back in New York, Edison–normally a workaholic–was obsessed with his new love. He wrote in his diary at this time: "Saw a lady who looked like Mina. Got thinking about Mina and came near being run over by a streetcar. If Mina interferes much more will have to take out an accident policy." (Source: Anatomy of Some Celebrated Marriages by D. Wallechinsky and I. Wallace, The People’s Almanac)

Edison taught Mina Morse code so they could communicate in secret by tapping into each other’s hands when her family was around. One day, Edison asked .– — ..- .-.. -.. -.– — ..- — .- .-. .-. -.– — . and Mina replied -.– . …

7. Edison Has a Mysterious Tattoo on His Arm

According to a 1911 policy with the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Edison had five dots tattooed on his left forearm. No one knew what the dots meant.

Interestingly, Edison was credited for inventing the basic tattoo machine. In 1876, he patented the Stencil-Pens, an engraving device that many years later was modified by Samuel O’Reilly to make the world’s first tattoo machine.

Though it would’ve been a neat thing, there was simply no evidence that Edison used his invention to give himself a tattoo.

8. The Edison Invention That Killed

After Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895, Edison directed his employee, a glassblower named Clarence Dally to develop a fluoroscope (then called the Edison X-ray focus tube). The device was a commercial success and ultimately became the basis of modern fluoroscopy used in hospitals today.

At the time, X-rays were not believed to be dangerous and Clarence had a habit of testing X-ray tubes on his hands. In 1900, he had developed lesion on his wrist that wouldn’t heal after several skin grafts and was so tenacious that his hand had to be amputated. Edison kept Dally on his payroll, even when he was so sick that he couldn’t work any more. Clarence’s condition worsened and even after the amputations of both of his arms, he died of cancer.

Shaken, Edison stopped all work on fluoroscopes as revealed in a New York World interview in 1903:

"Don’t talk to me about X-rays," he said. "I am afraid of them. I stopped experimenting with them two years ago, when I came near to losing my eyesight and Dally, my assistant practically lost the use of both of his arms. I am afraid of radium and polonium too, and I don’t want to monkey with them." (Source: New York World)

9. Edison’s Quirky Invention: the Concrete House

In 1887, Edison embarked on a project that would later prove to be a huge fiasco. He proposed an idea of extracting iron from low-grade ore and was immediately ridiculed by an editorial who called the idea "Edison’s Folly." The stubborn Edison immediately invested his own money and built a huge plant and a town around it, only to find years later that it would be far cheaper to mine iron ores!

So, left with all of the heavy machineries from the failed ore project, Edison decided to get into the cement business. He noticed that one could mold concrete into a wide variety of shapes and thought that he could build a house by pouring concrete into a single, giant mold! And not only the house: "everything from bathtubs, windowsills, staircases, and picture frames to electrical conduits and reinforcing rods would be molded right in." (Source: American Heritage)

Edison and a model of his concrete house.
Edison National Historic Site – US National Park Service

Edison, who grew up poor, thought that he could solve New York’s housing problem and clear out the slums by mass producing affordable working man’s houses. But first, he needed a model: Edison hired a high-profile architecture firm to create a two-story, two-family house "in the style of Francis I." At Edison’s request (he didn’t want to be known as "the father of ugly houses"), the model came with a large front porch and intricate exterior moldings.

This, of course, turned out to be impractical – so Edison downscaled his plan and casted his first concrete house on Hixon Street in South Orange, New Jersey, in 1911 (it was later demolished to make way for a supermarket and a parking lot).

Edison’s cement houses. Photo:
Edison National Historic Site – US National Park Service

In 1917, with Edison’s blessing, pocket-watch magnate (apparently there was such a person) Charles Ingersoll constructed 11 concrete houses and offered them at $1,200 each – roughly one third of the usual price – but not a single house was sold!

Some historians and Edison biographers blame the publicity and Edison’s grandiose predictions for the demise of his most altruistic endeavor. No one wanted to live in a house that had been described as “the salvation of the slum dweller.” People were too proud to be stigmatized as having been “rescued from squalor and poverty.”

But there may have been a more important reason for the Edison monoliths’ failure to catch on. The architect Ernest Flagg, writing in Collier’s Weekly seven years later, noted that “Mr. Edison was not an architect— it was not cheapness that wanted so much as relief from ugliness, and Mr. Edison’s early models entirely did not achieve that relief.” From looking at them, it is hard to disagree.

Wait, what about those concrete furniture and piano we talked about? Well, in 1911 Edison boasted that concrete furniture could be made just as attractive as wood but cheaper and more durable. He went on to use air-impregnated "foam" concrete to make a piano, bathtub, and cabinets for his phonographs. Like his concrete houses, however, the Edison concrete furniture just never caught on. (If you have a picture of Edison’s concrete piano, please let me know!)

Edison’s concrete phonograph cabinets.
Edison National Historic Site – US National Park Service

10. Electrocuting an Elephant

In the late 1880s, Edison was embroiled in the "War of Currents" with George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla. Edison had promoted the use of direct current (DC) for electric power distribution, whereas Westinghouse and Tesla wanted to use alternating current (AC).

At the time, Edison had over one hundred power stations in the United States that delivered DC electricity to consumers. But because of a power loss due to resistance of the wire during transmission, the power station had to be located within a mile of the consumers. Edison’s then-employee, a brilliant Serbian engineer named Nikola Tesla proposed that AC could solve this problem but Edison didn’t listen.

Indeed, Edison had previously asked Tesla to improve his electrical power stations with $50,000 ($1 million in 2006 US dollar, Tesla’s wages were just $18 a week back then) as a reward. After Tesla delivered, Edison reneged on his offer and thus created bad blood between the two.

Back to the War of Currents: to demonstrate that his DC system was better and "safer," Edison noted that AC had a lethal potential and could be used to electrocute. Though he was against capital punishment, Edison (and a hired employee named Harold P. Brown) developed the electric chair.

In 1903, a circus elephant named Topsy at Coney Island’s Luna Park went berserk and killed three people including an abusive trainer, who tried to feed her a lighted cigarette.

The elephant was considered a threat and the owners wanted it executed. When animal advocates protested the proposed method of hanging, Edison saw a publicity opportunity and suggested electrocution with AC.

Topsy was fed carrots laced with cyanide and then electrocuted with 6,000-volts AC. She died "without a trumpet or a groan" within seconds. (Source)

Topsy’s execution was a public spectacle: about 1,500 people attended and Edison even filmed the event:

hati ibu

Thomas Alva Edison

Suatu hari, seorang bocah berusia 4 tahun, agak tuli dan bodoh di sekolah, pulang ke rumahnya membawa secarik kertas dari gurunya. ibunya membaca kertas tersebut,

Tommy, anak ibu, sangat bodoh. Kami minta ibu untuk mengeluarkannya dari sekolah.

Sang ibu terhenyak membaca surat ini, namun ia segera membuat tekad yang teguh, “Anak saya Tommy, bukan anak bodoh. Saya sendiri yang akan mendidik dan mengajar dia.”

Tommy kecil adalah Thomas Alva Edison yang kita kenal sekarang, salah satu penemu terbesar di dunia. dia hanya bersekolah sekitar 3 bulan, dan secara fisik agak tuli, namun itu semua ternyata bukan penghalang untuk terus maju.

Siapa yang sebelumnya menyangka bahwa bocah tuli yang bodoh sampai-sampai diminta keluar dari sekolah, akhirnya bisa menjadi seorang genius? Jawabannya adalah ibunya! Ya, Nancy Edison, ibu dari Thomas Alva Edison, tidak menyerah begitu saja dengan pendapat pihak sekolah terhadap anaknya.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

kau ada dia

Sudah lama ku memendam rasa
Cinta di dalam dada
Namun tidak pernah bersuara
Kerana takut kecewa

Ku tunggu waktu yang lebih baik
Untuk langkah pertama
Jauh dari apa yang ku kira
Hatimu ada yang punya

Di dalam mimpi kita berdua
Mesra bersama dilamun cinta
Oh tetapi kenyataannya aku sedar kau ada dia
[ Kau Ada Dia lyric found on ]

Mungkin juga semuanya salah ku
Terlalu mengharapkan cinta
Tapi sepi yang merasuk kalbu
Membawa angan melayang

Di dalam mimpi kita berdua
Mesra bersama dilamun cinta
Oh tetapi kenyataannya aku sedar kau ada dia.

Di dalam mimpi kita berdua
Mesra bersama dilamun cinta
Oh tetapi kenyataannya aku sedar kau ada dia

Monday, April 19, 2010

diabetes(medical approach)

nie notes tuk miss S sje yer.....yg laen jgn bace...hoh nk bce r tuh...

medical approach in diabetes...
mula2 dlm diabetes patient..,kte nk tau dia punyer diagnosis of diabetes...
-bila diagnosed with diabetes?
-apa sign n symptom mse tuh...apa yg sbbkan dia dtg hospital mse tuh...sama ad sbb symptom of diabetes or just coincident or alredy has complication..
-dr cek aper
-pastu dr buat per

then .., kte tnyer r lifestyle changes n compliace dia...
-tnya dia compliace medication x....
-klu patient ragu2 atau kte msih ragu2....,klu still ad msudnya diabetes dia is uncontrolled
-kte jga bleh tnya current blood glucose...

then we must screen for the complication of diabetes...first we must have what we think tuk ad thinking tu must ad knowledge...the complication of diabetes was divided into acute and chronic...
-acute DM1
-acute DM2

chrronic plak can be devided into two...microvascular and macrovascular...
we should ask all of this to assess the patient condition

-in PE if we said something is positive,,,just said it positive,,,,
-jgn kte sesuatu benda tu "a little".."slightly",,,there is no slightly or so...
-klu diabetes patient we must screen all body part in PE to look for any complication....because diabetes is systemic disease.......(>_<)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the second miss S

i should work harder,i should do my work properly,so what i'm doing now,,live is not as simple as this,it need hard work,,truly hardwork,kalau idup nie senang x der r orang yang berusaha sedaya upaya ......

this is what i should do...should do
although is not what i want to do..
just pikir klu bukan path nie yg ak pilih..
ak akan lagi sedih at this family condition ..

jadi this time forget your "lovely" think and do something although not for u ..but for other who always need you....your family....

ayah,ma, just wait for 3 years more
akak akan stop sume kesusahan ma ngan ayah....
we will move to better place...
please wait for me...
i will work harder..
miss u...


Once I say I love you I think you
Would be gone, oh baby~
Cuz we are too young to love so I can say
Little long~ hold you in my arm
but I will be waiting for you
To say you want me to be with you
I'll live in your love and
Your dream forever and ever
whenever you look in my eyes
There are so many smiles and tears
I was born to love feel so deep inside.
If you need me I'll be your man
(I'll be your man)
whenever you look in my eyes,
I do want to show you my love
I make up my mind make your dreams come true. nobody can stop me to say I love you.
How can I ask who you're still looking for
I'm the one since love seems to make me blind
I try to find All day long
But I cannot hold
we talk on the phone every night
And so came closer day by day
I touch you and kiss you and hold you
To feel but in dream
whenever you look in my eyes
there are so many smiles and tears
I was born to love feel so deep inside
If you need me I'll be your man
(I'll be your man)
whenever you look in my eyes
I do want to show you my love
I make up my mind make your
Dreams come true
nobody can stop me to say
I love you~
in my arms, in my soul
I want to hold you baby

You don't know how much I love you
Do you baby
Like a sun rising up,
I can't stop loving you.
Can't hold back anymore~
whenever you look in my eyes
There are so many smiles and tears
I was born to love feel so deep inside
If you need me,
I'll be your man (I'll be your man)

whenever you look in my eyes (in my eyes)
I do want to show you my love
I make up my mind make your dreams come true
nobody can stop me to say, I love you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

wedding dress....

Some say its not over tills it over

Guess this is really over now

Theres something I gotta say before I let you go


When you have a fight with her sometimes you cry

And feel sad and blue I become hopeful

My heart aches secretly

Then just a hint of your smile can make feel fine again

To keep you from figuring out how I feel about you

Coz then we would drift apart

I hold my breath bite my lips

Oh please leave her and come to me

Baby….please don’t take her hand

Coz i should be your lady…

I’ve been waiting for you for so long

Please look at me now

When the music starts you will vow to spend

The rest of your life with her

How I prayed every night

This day would never come

The wedding dress you’re wearing

It’s not me (next to you )

Oh the wedding dress you’re wearing..oh no

You never knew how I felt about you and I hated you so

Sometimes I wished you would be unhappy

Now I have no more tears left to cry

When I’m by myself talk to you like you’re here

I’ve felt so restless every night

Maybe I’ve known all along this would happen

I closed my eyes and dream an endless dream

Please leave her and come to me

Please be happy with her so that I can forget you

Please forget how miserable I looked

It’s going to be unbearably hard for me

For a long while to,,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i'm crying

i'm crying in my heart...
ada x orang paham perasaan ak.....?
bilakah orang nak paham perasaan ak.........?
i live alone...........
very lonely......................
suddently sedar x der orang pun kat sisi............
time senang, tumpang happy gelak sama2.........
time susah ak kne tanggung sorang diri..................
oh my heart please be strong............
become stronger please.................
berat nya beban nie.... kne tanggung sorang diri.................
wahai hati...please jangan biarkan matakudigenangi air lagi.........
please hati stop my eye from crying..........

my world

this is the world where i come myself and i will leave it myself.....doh r biar jer argh orang nok kate mende ke kite , ye x duk kat posisi kite ye x kan paham.duk sendiri , blajor sendiri , kerja sendiri,...

macam2 orang ad kat dunia nie , ad orang yang jenis dok suke tgk org gembira biar pung org tue kawan hak duk suke tolong dia org jenis x care pun ngan kesusahan orang lain....YA ALLAH jangan r jadikan ak orang gituh...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

ku teruskan....

hari nie dah balik ada berita sedih,next sem dah x leh duk asrama,camner nih,miss S,miss Y,miss C,miss A, missZ..kami x dapat hostel,jd mana kami nak tinngal sem depan..jadi kami try r cari rumah sekitar kolej..ntah dapat ke x....mesti byk belanja nih...byk yg nak kne bli klu duk umah..sewa pun mahal giler....gini rupanya knyataan hidup kat luar..tu r terperuk jer kat asrama mne nk tau....

total biasiswa :RM5000
bayar umah :RM900/7 = -RM130
blanja dapur umah : -RM100
makan kat kolej : - RM100
belanja idup 1 sem :RM330 x 6 =RM1960
jangkaan kasar :RM2000!!!!!!!!!

jadi ada nampak berapa kos sara idup tuh...jadi apa yang penting???bkan kerjasama tp kne jimat belanja....wait n see bolehkah miss S guna RM2000 sebaik-baiknya???

arghhhhh..ak dah semakin miskin....arghhhhhhwaerghhhwarghh.....
nk buat camner...tu r...yang penting mesti dapatkan umah tu dlu....

Saturday, March 27, 2010

abes clark

nie miss S nak citer,td miss S pergi r clark patient.patient yang sesuai tuk blok endokrin x ramai,ktorang amek patient diabetic foot,tp x leh buat PE cos staff nurse x bagi bukak,slalu jer camtu,waktu ktorang datang kali kedua pakcik tu nampak cam dah malas r nak layan,tp t'paksa stuju jer,tu r ktorang pun ksian gak ngan patient, ye r klu mak bapak kte pun kte tak nak jgak orang tnye lama-lama.dsebabkan x ramai patient ktorang guna patient sama ngan satu group lagi,nak djadikan citer history yang kami dapat berbeza..ini mustahil..semakin kami tanya,semakin mereka x nak jawab,then i just think..miss S why you are sooo irritated..

tips pertama...make things fast and clean..maksudnya x yah arini nak amek history pastuh esok nak datang lg tuk wat PE..tak yah,anda mungkin x akan dilayan..

tips kedua...seposenkan muka....fist time aku clark ak rse malu giler,cuak lpas sorng doc. tuh ajar aku per rectal examination,,dia pesan wat muka seposen jer...

tips ketiga...jangan cayer sume apa yang patient cakap..masudnya bkan nak kte diorang diorang sebenarnya x paham..kna ada trick sikit tanya soalan..contoh: pakcik ada amek ubat tuk diabetic x?
pak cik:ada....jadi kita akan cakap patient is compliance to bila tanya lagi...biasanya pak cik amek ubat tu brape kali sehari..pastu makan tiap2 hari ker..klu ubat abes buat camner?
pakcik akan lambat abes..makan bile sakit jer..sakit kurang buat per nk makan..nah,dpt jawapan..patient is not compliance to med.

tips keempat..take your time..jgn biar rasa takut menguasai diri...take time properly...

tu jer koot yg ak pikir skrang..tiada siaran ulangan yer sila tulis benda nie baekbaek..

Friday, March 26, 2010


27-11-2009) Hari raya aidiladha "hari Jumaat"

(18-12-2009) Tahun baru hijrah "hari Jumaat"

(25-12-2009) Hari krismas "hari Jumaat"

(1-1-2010) Tahun baru "hari Jumaat"

(26-2-2010) Maulidur rasul "hari Jumaat"

(2-4-2010) Good friday "hari Jumaat"

(28-5-2010) Hari wesak "hari Jumaat"

(10-9-2010) Hari raya Aidilfitri "hari Jumaat"

(27-8-2010) Nuzul Al-Quran "hari Jumaat"

(5-11-2010) Depavali "hari Jumaat"

Adakah KIAMAT sudah hampir????

Dalam Al-Quran Allah telah berfirman bahawasanya KIAMAT terjadi hari JUMAAT!!!!

Banyak² kita beristighfar dan berdoa pada Allah semoga dosa² di kita ampuni..

22 Tanda Kiamat Semakin Hampir

1. Sembahyang diabaikan (diringan-ringankan ).

2. Keinginan nafsu syahwat digalakkan dan berleluasa disebarkan melalui internet, iklan, buku, gambar, risalah atau filem.

3. Penjenayah menjadi pemimpin dan kebanyakannya jahil mengenai agama dan banyak memberi fatwa yang menyesatkan pengikutnya.

4. Perkara benar menjadi salah dan salah menjadi benar. Sukar untuk membezakan perkara halal dan haram kerana yang haram dianggap halal serta sebaliknya.

5. Berbohong menjadi satu keperluan dalam hidup dan menganggap jika tidak berbohong sukar untuk hidup senang.

6. Membayar zakat (harta, perniagaan dan pendapatan) dianggap beban.

7. Orang yang hidup mengikut kehendak agama ditindas dan hati mereka sentiasa merintih kerana maksiat berleluasa tetapi mereka tidak mampu mencegahnya.

8. Turun hujan di luar musimnya dan hujan tidak memberi keuntungan kepada makhluk di muka bumi.

9. Fenomena lelaki berkahwin dengan lelaki (homoseksual) dan perempuan berkeinginan kepada perempuan (lesbian) semakin menjadi-jadi.

10. Perempuan menguasai lelaki dengan memakai ubat guna-guna, sihir dan amalan syaitan lain.

11. Anak-anak mengingkari dan menderhaka ibu bapa (ibu bapa menjadi kuli dan anak menjadi tuan).

12. Kawan baik dilayan dengan kasar, manakala musuh diberi layanan baik. Kawan disangka lawan dan musuh dianggap sahabat serta memusuhi orang yang mengajak berbuat kebaikan.

13. Dosa dipandang ringan malah bangga melakukannya seperti zina, minum arak, bergaul bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan, meninggalkan sembahyang, mendedahkan aurat dan berjudi.

14. Masjid dihias indah tetapi kosong, terpulau, berkunci dan banyak berlaku kecurian barang masjid yang berharga.

15. Ramai yang sembahyang tetapi munafik dan berpura-pura. Di dalam sembahyang berjanji akan mengikut suruhan Allah tetapi di luar sembahyang melanggar perintahNya,

16. Akan datang golongan manusia dari Barat menguasai mereka yang lemah (iman) dan ramai terpengaruh dengannya seperti mengikut cara mereka berpakaian, bergaul dan suka berpesta.

17. Al-Quran dicetak dengan indah tetapi hanya dijadikan perhiasan dan jarang dibaca serta diamalkan kehendaknya.

18. Amalan riba berleluasa hingga orang alim pun terjebak sama.

19. Darah manusia tidak berharga, sering berlaku pembunuhan, peperangan dan jenayah.

20. Penganut Islam tidak mahu mengamalkan suruhan agama dan tidak mahu membela serta menyebarkannya.

21. Akan bertambah banyak penyanyi wanita (wanita yang tidak beriman adalah senjata syaitan yang baik).

22. Ramai orang kaya pergi umrah dan haji dengan tujuan melancong, yang sederhana pergi untuk berniaga dan yang miskin bermaksud meminta sedekah.

Dunia Di Penghujung Nyawa

1) Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.

Dari Auf b. Malik r.a. katanya,Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda:

'Aku menghitung 6 perkara menjelang hari kiamat.'Baginda menyebutkan salah 1 diantaranya, iaitu penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis. '
- Sahih Bukhari

~ dah jadi dah...

2) Zina bermaharajalela.

'Dan tinggallah manusia2 yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan
persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang.'- Sahih Muslim

~ dah nampak dah...

3) Bermaharajalela alat muzik.

'Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan & perubahan muka'. Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah;

'Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?'Baginda menjawab: 'Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyian(muzik) & penyanyi² wanita'- Ibnu Majah

~ Mentor, Malaysian Idol, Akademi Fantasia, Anugerah Muzik...

4) Menghias masjid & membanggakannya.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya kiamat ialah manusia bermegahan dalam mendirikan masjid'- Riwayat Nasai..

~ memang dah nampak dah...

5) Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan kerabat & hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik.

'Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga banyak perbuatan & perkataan keji, memutuskan hubungan silaturahim & sikap yang buruk dalam
tetangga.'- Riwayat Ahmad dan Hakim.

~ ada anak tak mengaku ada mak/bapak pasal malu......

6) Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia.

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga Allah mengambil orang2 yang baik& ahli agama di muka bumi, maka tiada yang tinggal padanya kecuali orang2 yang hina & buruk yang tidak mengetahui yang makruf dan tidak mengingkari kemungkaran' - Riwayat Ahmad

~ boleh kira berapa jer para ulama'yg tinggal...

7) Orang yang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat.

'Di antara tanda semakin dekatnya kiamat ialah dunia akan dikuasai oleh Luka'bin Luka'(orang yang ***** & hina).
Maka orang yang paling baik ketika itu ialah orang yang beriman yang diapit oleh 2 orang mulia'- Riwayat Thabrani

~ George Bush, Ariel
Sharon & kat Malaysiapun ada....

8) Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja.

'Sesungguhnya di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah manusia tidak mahu mengucapkan salam kepada orang lain kecuali yang dikenalnya saja.'- Riwayat Ahmad

~ jiran sesama islam pon tak bertegur sapa...

9) Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang.

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. 'Di antara anda² telah hari kiamat ialah akan muncul pakaian² wanita & apabila mereka memakainya keadaannya seperti telanjang'.

~ fesyen zaman skarang (tube, spaghetti strap, g-string etc..)...

10) Bulan sabit kelihatan besar.

'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah menggelembung (membesarnya) bulan sabit.'- Riwayat Thabrani

~ tak caya gi tengok....

11) Banyak dusta & tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita.

'Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong2 besar yang datang kepadamu dengan membawa berita2 yang belum pernah kamu dengar & belum pernah didengar oleh bapa2 kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu & memfitnahmu' - Sahih Muslim

~ Siaran TV kerajaan dan swasta, akhbar2 harian & majalah² yg popular skarang nie......

12) Banyak saksi palsu & menyimpan kesaksian yang benar.

'Sesungguhnya sebelum datang nya hari kiamat akan banyak
kesaksian palsu & disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar.'-Riwayat Ahmad

~ tengok kes peperangan Iraq ...

13) Negara Arab menjadi padangrumput & sungai.

'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga negeri Arab kembali menjadi padang rumput & sungai²'- Sahih Muslim

~ Dubai dah turun salji... Mina dah kene banjir...


Dari Abdullah bin 'Amir r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w....bersabda:

'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun 1 ayat...'


Yakin Dan Percaya

Membenarkan di hati, mengakui dengan lidah dan

"Jangan setakat membaca tapi cuba la menghayati, jangan setakat tahu tapi cuba la mengamalkan apa yang dah tahu, jangan setakat fikirkan kebaikan untuk diri sendiri tapi fikirkan la jugak kebaikan untuk orang lain terutama orang-orang terdekat yang disayangi."

::perlu study::

dah r main facebook tuh....Miss S..."FACE DA BOOK"......camner ea..esok nk kna clerk case....nk case ap...?klu diabetic foot pn bes gak..yer r case cam gitu kn common....
camner nk amek history..?

1. chief complain..:event yang berlaku mnyebbkan injury..
2. time healing sebelum ini....
-assiciated symptom
-aggrevating factor
-releaving factor
4.soalan mesti tanya :maso dulu2 kea...klu pokcik ado luko2 gini cepat sia x??*pandai ak speaking*
5.bilo doctor oyk pokcik ado DM..maso tuh pokcik sakit gapo? pahtu pokcik g klinik mano?doc oyak gapo?doc wie obat gapo?doctor ado nasihat gapo? pokcik ado g ceramoh x psal DM?

then continue with PE
1.wat general examination
2.specific pada ulcer
3.cek neuromuscular..dermatome..myotome*makhluk nie sumer r...*
T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,S1,S2,,jangan wat S3,nnti kne penampor...
4.cek lymph node....

begitulah alkisah klu wat kes diabetic foot.....
::sekian time kacih::

Thursday, March 25, 2010

dimanakah kamu......

"di mana kanku cari ganti
serupa denganmu......
tak sanggup ....."

ewah miss S nyanyi...peweeet....
wahai kak ainul..dimanakah kamu...daaku tlah cari selama 2 x jumpa.....mntang2 r dh abes exam...daku yg mnjadi junior nie ape citer....warghhh ngantuk giler....dimana lg inginku cari dirimu wahai kakakku....daku sgt mmrlukan pertolongan kamu.......HELPME PLEASE...

takpe tidak akanku cepat putus asa...akanku cari dirimu hingga ujung dunia.....dimana ujung dunia.....??korea ker....jepoon...?nk g jgk ......apapun akak perlu munculkan diri akak supaya saya dpt meminta p'tolongan akak.........

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

::ukhwahku ukhwahmu::

segala-gala datang dari keberkatan....setiap bende yang kte buat kne ad kberkatan...contohnye klu kte belajar...kte kne cari kberkatan belajar ngan cara berbaik-baik ngan guru and rakan seperjuangan....kte jgn skali-kali memandang rendah kbolehan orang laen....sbb stiap kte ad kbaikan msing-msing....

nie kesah ak ngan miss M....kami btul2 x compatible to each other...luar mmg nampak ad something yg incompatible...mmg darah x msuk r....mmg kes naye r...camner ea nk slesaikan....ak x paham...dia nie x sayang kwan ker.....dia seolah-olah nak path dia sendri jer....hello...kita x duduk sorang tau lam dunia nie.....i should try to prevent her before dia lbih mnyakiti hati...mnjadi bengkek...SHOULD>>>MMG SHOULD......


p/s :miss m, you should consider another person's feeling....hehehe

don't don't...

::don't compare yourself with anyone in this world..if you compare , you are insulting yourself..::

ermmm...btul tuh..mmg senang kte nk ada rse iri hati t'hdap orang laen..sgt senang...sgt2 senang..ayuh..try tuk buang rase tuh...kan arituh "bakal laki " dah cakap...i live alone in this world..and so i will go gitulah...tak de sapa nak bantu kite btullah..nape nak compare diri sendiri ngan orang laen....kita cara kita..dia cara dia...ingat lg taun lpas mse nak ajak miss G study..ak cakap kat miss G...besnye diorang ade stdy group...camne kita miss G jawap...kte x leh ikut diorang..kte ad cara kta sendiri...diorang ngan cara diorang sendiri...gempak r miss r kawan ngan ko... miss G..I LAP U.....ak jd fan koo.... hahaha...
so mulai hari nie ak janji ngan diri sendri bahawasanya saya miss S

1. x nak compare ngan org laen lg....
2. nak bawak diri sendiri....
3. x nak bergantung harap ngan orang laen...
4. perlu stayup lg lama..hehehe
5. berusaha lebih keras lg...sekeras batu bersurat..
6.sayangi orang yang patut disayangi... heart... should become stronger...

sila tekan disini jika anda bersetuju dgan segala condition di atas...

Monday, March 22, 2010

redo..redo..and redo..

miss L: eh, cik S yg A tuh x sama ngan B tau...dia punya sebab lain blik redo r..check balik...
cik S : ok..i try my best...

tu r satu singktan komunikasi yg b'laku dlam blik p'bncangan....arghhh...i should redo my work...i'm not the perfect person but i'm trying to-be...mmg msih byk kesilapan...msih byk kekurangan....arghhh..kdang2 rase cam x mau jumpa org lagi...nape yer,,....tuh org panggil self ssh r camne kte x rse touch klu someone sembur....kdg2 rse t'kilan skit....takpe2 something menanti di hujung jalan......bak kata cik wan...

"EASY is to judge the mistake of others , DIFFICULT is to recognised our own mistake , it is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet"

beberapa saat lpas tuh.....miss M kata "klu kita buat sorang2 byk skit pengalaman "...ak skali pikir rse nyampah lpas 2-3 kli pikir...mmg ad betul kate miss M she should understand my feeling...she should tell what she want from me.....i think she just rasa something and simpan dlam hati....pastu tiba masa...sembur....bak orang kte.."bengkak dalam"....tuh yg ak rse sbb dia x pnah gtau ape dia rsa kat ak...takpe2 kte tgk....

p/s : rse jahat r plak ayat akhir dendam jer...tkpe r miss M no pain no gain tp camne nk reduse pain tu yer????

:::::super junior life in KL10:::::

20 march 2010....21 march kne hantar report.....hai.....superjunior datang malaysia.....ada kaitankah dengan ak...???
jawapan : TIDAK

betul...ak xder kne ngene pn ngan klu tanya ak dlam banyk2 idol band korea yang dglai skarang sape yg ak ske... msti r suju....diorang ak lgi ske lawak diorang....lg suke tgk variety show diorang...haha mcm2 lak ak tau..mcam lar diorang nie duk sblah umoh,msalahnye suju x knal pn ak...oooo.diorang dtg m'sia...slamat datang...

(god, he soooo handsome....arghhhh...ergh...urghhhh)......sakit tlinga ambe dengar budak2 nie jerit....mmg laku r medical checkup kat spital..takut ada damage nerve telinga ke...deviation of vocal cord ker....huishhuish..

ingat lg psanan cik fgh dulu....dia kte suju tu adalah virus...takde vaksin...takde antidote...skali ak pling suke life diorang...membesar same-same...kerja sama-sama....mmg sesuai jadi bgi pendapat ak...kjayaan diorang mmg sbb sifat msing-msing....pling best msti r leader....ak dah kna virus nie...

dah r mngarut....bkan apa t'klan skit suju x knal ak...wharghhh..wharghhh...nnti ble dah kerja...dpat gaji manyak2...nk jalan2 ke korea...mgkin honeymoon?? hahaha

::hope super junior will be super duper junior and always junior::

Sunday, March 21, 2010


next week last present case tuk year nie....risau r lak....first week endocrine...nape slalu first week???mintak-mintak r doc. kali nie baek....kloo x mampoos ak...takpe2 jangan lost confident....bak kata cik wan...

"if a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it...if a problem cannot be solved,,what is the use of worry".dalam bahasa yang pahamnyer...klu masalah tu ada jalan penyelesaian...,jangan r risau...tpi klu masalah tu TAK ada jalan penyelesaian...buat per nak risau.....mmm lbih kurang gitulah...
whatever lah....
skarang still last week tuk hemato...ayuh cik S....gambate...!!!
cik S jangan r risau ngat...mcam x penah kne sembur...hehehe....apepun...ari kamis doc. tuh pastu mintak nak buat sorang......pastuh balik bilik....pastuh study prob2 dlam endocrine....pastuh jumaat study PE...pastu malam jumaat cari kes....pastuh malam sabtu pun cari case utk reserve....isnin present case....pastuh malam isnin balik kne datang blik rabu....huhuhuperlukah aku dtang kuliah kamis semata-mata??
jawapan :SANGAT PERLU....