Monday, April 19, 2010

diabetes(medical approach)

nie notes tuk miss S sje yer.....yg laen jgn bace...hoh nk bce r tuh...

medical approach in diabetes...
mula2 dlm diabetes patient..,kte nk tau dia punyer diagnosis of diabetes...
-bila diagnosed with diabetes?
-apa sign n symptom mse tuh...apa yg sbbkan dia dtg hospital mse tuh...sama ad sbb symptom of diabetes or just coincident or alredy has complication..
-dr cek aper
-pastu dr buat per

then .., kte tnyer r lifestyle changes n compliace dia...
-tnya dia compliace medication x....
-klu patient ragu2 atau kte msih ragu2....,klu still ad msudnya diabetes dia is uncontrolled
-kte jga bleh tnya current blood glucose...

then we must screen for the complication of diabetes...first we must have what we think tuk ad thinking tu must ad knowledge...the complication of diabetes was divided into acute and chronic...
-acute DM1
-acute DM2

chrronic plak can be devided into two...microvascular and macrovascular...
we should ask all of this to assess the patient condition

-in PE if we said something is positive,,,just said it positive,,,,
-jgn kte sesuatu benda tu "a little".."slightly",,,there is no slightly or so...
-klu diabetes patient we must screen all body part in PE to look for any complication....because diabetes is systemic disease.......(>_<)


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